
Hong Kong Bent-Winged Firefly

Scientific Name: Pteroptyx maipo 1)

Chinese Name: 米埔屈翅螢2)

Endemic? Yes 3) (Discoverer: ; Year of Discovery: 20104))

Range: Deep Bay, Mai Po Nature Reserve 5)


Found mostly in intertidal areas 6)


This is the first species of the Pteroptyx genus to be recorded in China7) . Unlike most fireflies of this genus, Pteroptyx maipo does not congregate at the top of mangrove trees at night during the summer season8) . The Mai Po population peaks in May (during which 400 individuals were recorded in a single night by WWF) and September (when 700 individuals were recorded in a single night by WWF)9). The Mai Po Nature Reserve has the largest recorded population of this species among all known sites within Deep Bay10).

Contributing authors:

  • laurel

1), 3) Email with AFCD Conservation Officer on 22/1/2013
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