
Nanhaipotamon hongkongense

Scientific Name: Nanhaipotamon hongkongense1)

Endemic?: Yes 2)

IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern3)

Distribution: “Tai Po Kau Reserve, Nai Chung stream in New Territories, near Victoria Peak4). Range is probably less than 20,000 km².5)


It is found mostly in secondary forest and is very terrestrial, rarely occurring in water. Instead it inhabits dry areas beyond the banks of streams6). It is found, for example, near roots and large rocks7). They excavate burrows which are gradually sloping and difficult to dig out8). During rain, the adult crabs move out of their burrows, even during daylight9). Smaller crabs and juveniles appear to stay closer to pools or patches of wet ground10).


“In captivity, this species is agile and climb semivertical surfaces with little effort. As this species is aggressive, specimens particularly conspecifics, cannot be kept together in confine spaces (Ng and Dudgeon 1992)”11).


Habitat loss and pollution are the major threats12). There are no conservation measures in place specifically for this species and it is not found in protected areas13).

Contributing authors:

  • laurel

1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 9), 10), 11), 12), 13) IUCN Red List. Nanhaipotamon hongkongense]
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